Need an Injury Attorney for a DUI Accident in Wisconsin?
There were approximately 24,000 convictions for drunken driving offenses in Wisconsin in only 2015 alone. Crashes related to drinking and driving killed 190 people in 2015, as well as injured 2,900. These numbers may seem low, but they are actually quite steep for Wisconsin. Accidents caused by DUI continue to be one of the main reasons why accidents occur on a yearly basis. In fact, drinking and driving is right at the top of the list of why accidents occur in Wisconsin, alongside speeding.
Have you suffered severe injuries at the hands of another party due to a drunk driving accident? Many people do not walk out of these accidents due to the speeds at which the driver is traveling and how they impact your vehicle. Though you may feel lucky to have lived through one of these serious accidents, you may also have many questions about compensation because your bills will not pay for themselves. And when it comes to injuries, it is not uncommon to see the bills piling up little by little each day.
How Police Can Help in Your DUI Accident Case
You can’t make your claim without speaking to police after they arrive at the scene of your accident. How will you move forward and compensate for your losses if you’re unable to prove that the other driver was at-fault? Luckily, the police who arrive at your accident scene will investigate and look a bit closer at the driver who caused your injuries.
Perhaps, upon closer inspection, they will find that there are open alcohol containers in the other driver’s vehicle. Maybe they will smell alcohol on them, or will administer a Breathalyzer test and determine that the driver is well over the legal limit and make an arrest. With a police report on your accident and the other driver facing a criminal record, you have all the evidence you need to prove that they acted negligently and caused your accident. This will help you compensate in the months to come when you work on building your case with the help of your attorney.
Compensating for Your Losses
There are many different aspects that you can compensate for after you have been injured in an accident. Many people hear the word ‘accident’ and just think of the physical injuries that you might sustain on the surface. However, it goes much deeper than that. You may also be dealing with damages on a financial level as well as an emotional level if the accident has caused you emotional turmoil as you relive the experience every day, living in fear of driving.
No matter what damages you have sustained due to a drunk driving accident, a driver should always be held liable for these damages when they have made the poor choice to drink and get behind the wheel of a car. Not only is it insanely dangerous to themselves, but every other driver on the road. If you have sustained injuries, we want to hear from you. Start building your case today so you can work on getting one step closer to compensation when you need it the most.